Travel to UK with Contiki

Want to explore the United Kingdom with fellow 18-35 year olds? Our UK trips will not disappoint. From vibrant Scottish festivities to national parks, iconic castles, walking city tours and more, we’ll be hitting all the main attractions and then some. Friendly expert trip managers, local guides and a group of young, like-minded travellers are all part of the experience. Choose your favorite UK trip and come explore England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland the social travel way.

What To Pack?

A raincoat and umbrella - The UK's reputation for damp, drizzly weather is not unfounded. Bring a shower-proof jacket, and don't forget your brolly when packing for your UK trip!

An adapter plug and transformer - You'll need an adapter to use the UK's 3-pin plug sockets. The voltage here is 240V, so anything running on 110V will require a step-down transformer.

Comfortable walking shoes - Walking is the de rigueur mode of transport here - this isn't the USA! Comfortable shoes will make life that bit more pleasant.

A credit or debit card with chip & PIN - So you can use automated ticket machines at train and tube stations, thereby skipping those long ticket window lines.

Wellie boots - You may know them as 'rain boots', but here they're wellies. Essential if you're attending one of the many excellent UK festivals, but also handy for tramping the rainy streets.

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