BS 7909 is a guide to setting up and managing safe and suitable temporary electrical systems at entertainment or similar events. BS 7909:2023 is a full revision of the standard, bringing it up to date and making it more user-friendly.
Producers, production companies, event organizers and managers, freelance people, facilities and services hire companies, equipment hire companies, equipment manufacturers, electrical consultants, electrical installation contractors, distributors, suppliers of electricity, venues, local authorities and those responsible for safety
BS 7909 gives recommendations for the management, design, setting-up and operation of temporary electrical systems using low voltage a.c. electricity, for the entertainment and similar or related industries. Mobile and transportable units with electrical installations that are used in these industries are also covered.
It also gives recommendations for the provision of a safe and suitable temporary electrical system for an event and the duties and work to implement this.
NOTE: The systems covered by BS 7909 operate at low voltage as defined in BS 7671:2018+A2:2022 and supply equipment normally operating at 230 V a.c. or 400 V a.c. 50 Hz. Electricity at low voltage can be taken from an existing installed electrical system, the public supply, privately owned supplies or from mobile or portable generators. Direct current supplies are outside the scope of this British Standard.
BS 7909 is the most widely accepted way to evidence compliance with IET Wiring Regulations at events. In addition:
BS 7909 contributes to UN Sustainable Development Goal 3 on good health and well-being and Goal 9 on industry, innovation and infrastructure.
BS 7909:2023 is a full revision of BS 7909:2011, incorporating changes to the IET Wiring Regulations standard BS 7671:2018+A2:2022. The major changes in BS 7909:2023 include: