Expedia Cashback Offers & Discounts

Get up to 10% of the price back with our Expedia cashback offers

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Expedia Cashback

Hotel Booking - London
Hotel Booking - Other Locations
Package Holidays
Ground Transportation/Shuttles/Transfers & Experiences
Car Hire

Expedia helps millions of holidaymakers to plan their perfect trip each year. It was one of the first online travel agencies in the world, and its UK site, Expedia.co.uk, dates right back to 1998. Today it is one of the country's go-to places for cheap flights, accommodation and all-in-one package deals. Its guides to world destinations will give you inspiration for your next trip.

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Find Great Travel Deals at Expedia

Expedia Logo

Browse great travel deals on more than a million flights, hotels and holiday packages, and save even more money with our Expedia discount code and cashback deals.

Whether you are looking at destinations in the UK and Ireland or planning a European city break or longer stay abroad, travellers can search more than 365,000 worldwide hotels, including brands like Marriot and Travelodge. What's more, they offer free cancellation on most hotels.

Being an online travel agency, Expedia UK also make it easy to book cheap flights to thousands of global destinations, and you will find hot offers from hundreds of airlines. Search for fantastic all-inclusive holidays and last-minute deals, as well as ski holidays, Disneyland Paris breaks and car hire offers.

You can also download the Expedia app to book a flight, hotel, holiday package or car rental on the go. Once you have done your research, join TopCashback to take advantage of our offers and save extra on your Expedia booking.

Expedia Homepage

Travel the World for Less

Whether you are looking at city breaks, family holidays, winter sun getaways, cheap airline tickets or hotel reservations, visit amazing destinations around the world for less thanks to the great Expedia deals available.

If you are staying in this country, you can book an Expedia escape to London, the Lake District, Dublin, Devon or Cornwall, while you can discover hotel deals for all budgets and tastes in a further afield destination, such as Berlin, Dubai and Hong Kong.Jet off to Europe and visit the Algarve, Italy or Greece by booking a flight only deal, while their list of package holiday destinations includes Japan, Mexico, Spain, Thailand, Taiwan and Austria.

When it comes to making a holiday booking, if you book your return flights and hotels together, you can take advantage of their biggest discounts, on top of being able to earn cashback with our Expedia discount codes.

Expedia Features

Cheap Holiday Deals

As you’re on TopCashback, it’s clear you love to save money when travelling, and you'll be able to do that with our Expedia voucher code offers.

However, with Expedia’s last-minute deals, you can save on flights, hotels and package holidays if you can pack your bags and jet off in the next two weeks. You’ll find the most popular offers at amazing prices. As well as last minute hotel bookings, you’ll also find great offers on beach holidays, apartments and UK holidays on the Expedia website.

If you’re itching for a getaway, take a look at their Travel This Week to find some of the best deals available. Book flights leaving this week, hotel packages needing to be filled and last-minute packages to everywhere from Amsterdam to Las Vegas. If you need a bit longer to get everything organised, the Travel Next Week section, packed with exclusive Expedia deals and discounts, could be perfect for you.

You’ll also find other popular Expedia deals on hotels and packages, including to some unforgettable destinations. If you’re not set on where you want to go, why not just browse by price to see where takes your fancy, then book your flights and accommodation based on the discounts available? You'll then save even more with our Expedia promo codes and cashback offers.

ExpediaRewards Loyalty Programme

Not only can you save with our Expedia voucher codes, but if you join the ExpediaRewards loyalty programme, you can earn points which you can use to save on future travel.

There are many reasons to join ExpediaRewards, including the fact you’ll benefit from lower prices as a member. In fact, you’ll be able to save an extra 10% or more on selected hotel bookings. You can earn Expedia.co.uk points on every trip, in addition to any airline miles and credit card rewards.

The points you earn can be used to save on future travel bookings, such as hotel stays, holiday packages and car rentals, while you’ll be able to take advantage of free perks the more you travel, including complimentary Wi-Fi, spa credits and more. As soon as you join Expedia's rewards programme, you will automatically become a Blue member, which will allow you to save an extra 10% or more on select hotels at Expedia with member pricing.

If you then stay seven nights or spend £5,000 a year, you’ll be upgraded to a silver member, which will entitle you to perks, like free breakfast and spa credits at VIP Access hotels, when you book with Expedia.Finally, if you stay 15 hotel nights or spend £10,000 per year, you’ll become a Gold member, which will entitle you to free room upgrades at VIP Access hotels, when available, and 30% more points when you book. You’ll earn points when you book flights, hotel stays or tickets to a show, and you can use as many as you like to save on future bookings at Expedia.

Expedia FAQs

What Is Expedia?

Expedia.co.uk is the largest online travel provider for the UK. It offers (1) millions of published and discounted fares for more than 450 airlines, (2) a directory of over 80,000 hotels and other accommodation properties, (3) car hire, (4) pre-packaged holidays and (5) technology which allows you to build your own holiday package. You can also view destination guides and maps, as well as buy travel insurance.

How Does Expedia Work?

Expedia collects and aggregates data from thousands of travel service providers, allowing customers to look at and compare travel options. They buy up a large number of hotel rooms at discount and market their site as having the lowest price guaranteed. They do exactly the same with airline seats. They also charge hoteliers commission fees as hotels know people are more likely to visit Expedia than their own website.

Is Expedia Atol Protected?

Holiday packages which include flights and any Fight-Plus arrangements created by you on Expedia.co.uk are ATOL protected. However, this does not apply to all holiday and travel services listed on the Expedia website. If you are unsure, you should ask them to confirm what protection, if any, applies to your booking.

Can I Pay A Deposit On Expedia?

Some hotels will allow you to book and reserve your room with a deposit. In this instance, you will have to pay the remaining balance to the hotel in their local currency when you check in or check out. Flights, activities and train tickets must be paid for in full when you book them.

What Does Vip Mean On Expedia?

The +VIP Access network features hotels located throughout North and Central America, Europe and the Middle East with high standards of service and customer reviews of 4.0 or higher. The +VIP Access benefits for +silver and +gold members include the use of exclusive amenities, such as a welcome drink and spa credits, while +gold members are eligible for room upgrades based on availability at check-in.

Cashback exclusions and terms

  • If you make a cottage booking.
  • If you make a booking for Cuba.
  • If you use nectar points to pay.
  • Use of a promotional/voucher code not posted and approved by TopCashback.
  • Purchases made outside of Expedia's UK site.
  • Cashback is calculated for the item(s) price only, not including VAT, delivery or other fees.
  • An ePackage is a flight and hotel booked in the same transaction. A holiday is defined as a package holiday
  • Cashback will progress to payable after your stay has been completed.

See also our general terms & conditions.

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