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Babson College
Professional Certificate inEntrepreneurial Mindset and Leadership

What you will learn

  • The Entrepreneurial Thought and Action® methodology and how to apply it to opportunities of all kinds - both new ventures and innovation in existing organizations.
  • Leadership and entrepreneurial skills needed to develop and implement social innovation initiatives, including strategic focus, engaging stakeholders, key measurements, and driving innovation to bring your organization to the next level.
  • A toolkit of key concepts, competencies, and practices that will enable you to lead with your entrepreneurial mindset.
  • Operational skills in risk management and common challenges related to starting a new business, and how to launch successfully.
  • Specific behaviors for developing - and using - an entrepreneurial leadership mindset to motivate, mobilize and influence others as a positive change maker in an organization.

  • Expert instruction
    4 skill-building courses
  • Self-paced
    Progress at your own speed
  • 5 months
    4 - 6 hours per week
  • Discounted price:$734.40 Original price:$816.00 USD
    For the full program experience

Courses in this program

BabsonX's Entrepreneurial Mindset and Leadership Professional Certificate

Meet your instructors
from Babson College (BabsonX)

Dennis J. Ceru
Cheryl Kiser
Ken Freitas
Nan Langowitz
Jennifer Bailey
Dennis J. Ceru
Dennis J. Ceru

Adjunct Professor

Babson College

Cheryl Kiser
Cheryl Kiser

Executive Director, The Lewis Institute & Babson Social Innovation Lab

Babson College

Ken Freitas
Ken Freitas

Executive in Residence, Social Innovation Fellow, The Lewis Institute

Babson College

Nan Langowitz
Nan Langowitz

Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship at Babson College and Chair of the Management Division

Babson College

Jennifer Bailey
Jennifer Bailey

Assistant Professor

Babson College

Experts from Babson College (BabsonX) committed to teaching online learning

Program endorsements

The Campbell Soup Company

The BabsonX Entrepreneurial Mindset and Leadership Professional Certificate is particularly relevant today because it emphasizes leadership, operational excellence, and social value creation as crucial to business success and future growth. This Professional Certificate provides new change-management skills, knowledge and frameworks for anyone challenged to create value in an increasingly ambiguous and uncertain world.

Dave Stangis, Vice President-Corporate Responsibility and Chief Sustainability Officer, The Campbell Soup Company.

Enrolling Now

Discounted price:$734.40 Original price:$816.00 USD

4 courses in 5 months

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