Everyone's Joining Beauty Pie+
Beauty Pie+
per year (less than $5 per month)
Membership Benefits:
UNLOCK ACCESS to members' prices on high-end products, direct from our beauty warehouse. Plus free gifts, samples and more…
FREE SHIPPING for orders over $40
WELCOME GIFT worth $60+*
Choice of ANNIVERSARY GIFT each year
Order as often as you want
PLUS access to Beauty Candy Deals, Free Shipping Weekends, Sample Sales and more
Beauty Pie+ Starter
per year (less than $3.50 per month)
Membership Benefits:
UNLOCK ACCESS to members' prices on high-end products, direct from our beauty warehouse
Order up to 4X PER YEAR
Find out more about Beauty Pie
*Savings based on Traditional Retail, more information available here.
**Learn more about Beauty Pie member perks here. New members only
1 Membership automatically renews. Cancellation information here.