
BS EN ISO 26000:2020

Guidance on social responsibility



What is ISO 26000 about? 

ISO 26000 is intended to assist organizations in contributing to sustainable development. ISO 26000 is intended to encourage them to go beyond legal compliance, recognizing that compliance with law is a fundamental duty of any organization and an essential part of their social responsibility. ISO 26000 is intended to promote common understanding in the field of social responsibility, and to complement other instruments and initiatives for social responsibility, not to replace them. In applying ISO 26000, it is advisable that an organization take into consideration societal, environmental, legal, cultural, political and organizational diversity, as well as differences in economic conditions, while being consistent with international norms of behaviour. 

Note: ISO 26000 is intended to be useful to all types of organizations in the private, public and nonprofit sectors, whether large or small, and whether operating in developed or developing countries. While not all parts of ISO 26000 will be of equal use to all types of organizations, all core subjects are relevant to every organization. All core subjects comprise several issues, and it is an individual organization's responsibility to identify which issues are relevant and significant for the organization to address, through its own considerations and through dialogue with stakeholders. 

  • Concepts, terms and definitions related to social responsibility; 
  • The background, trends and characteristics of social responsibility; 
  • Principles and practices relating to social responsibility; 
  • The core subjects and issues of social responsibility; 
  • Integrating, implementing and promoting socially responsible behaviour throughout the organization and, through its policies and practices, within its sphere of influence; 
  • Identifying and engaging with stakeholders; 
  • Communicating commitments, performance and other information related to social responsibility  

Who is ISO 26000 for? 

ISO 26000 on social responsibility guidelines is applicable to all types of organizations regardless of their size or location. Some of the sector-specific users of ISO 26000 are: 

  • Aerospace 
  • Automotive 
  • Chemical and pharmaceutical 
  • Construction 
  • Electronics 
  • Energy 
  • Nuclear 
  • Security 
  • Space 

Individual roles where this standard is ISO 26000 are: 

  • Compliance managers 
  • Brand/marketing managers 

Why should you use ISO 26000?  

Organizations owe it to the society/community they operate in to give something back to it. Business organizations that are engaged in social responsibilities are perceived as trustworthy and sustainable. This also helps in brand image and ease of doing business of the organization. 

ISO 26000 outlines international recommendations for social responsibility. ISO 26000 covers organisational governance, human rights, working practices, environmental policies, sustainable development and community involvement. ISO 26000 provides a framework for your organization to build a robust and long-term corporate responsibility strategy – helping you gain a competitive advantage and giving stakeholders greater confidence in the integrity of the business

Product Details
Sustainable development
Environmental engineering
Social responsibility
Economic development
Conditions of employment
Consumer-supplier relations
ICS Codes
03.100.02 Governance and ethics
International relationships
Identical to:

ENISO 26000

ISO 26000:2010

978 0 539 15870 0