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Discover the full range of Sukin products on Lookfantastic today. With hero products loved by the beauty industry, this is the affordable Organic Beauty brand to try. 


Working to leave hair manageable and full of bounce, Sukin's Protein Shampoo combines strengthening rice and wheat proteins as well as avocado, jojoba, rose hip and vitamin E to lock in moisture.


Rich in essential fatty acids and vitamins to soothe, soften and hydrate skin, Sukin's Rosehip oil works to protect cell membranes with a powerful blend of vitamin E, beta carotene and the powerful anti-ageing antioxidant lycopene. Working to feed the skin with unique oils and vital nutrients to promote radiant, healthier looking skin, this oil will soothe your skin and leave it feeling soft to the touch.


Sukin are proud to source only the best ingredients, including cold-pressed, solvent free oils, essential oils and 100% natural botanical extracts which are of the highest grade. With a commitment to producing only the highest standards of natural skin, hair and body care products with utmost efficiency,