New here? Get 25% off using code: NEWAS Exclusive NHS & Keyworker discount available Download the allsole app! Free delivery on orders over £100
New here? Get 25% off using code: NEWAS


· 自北京时间2021年03月15日 (包括03月15日在内)起,在Allsole.com下单邮寄至中国大陆,按照相关法律法规缴纳相应税金的,且实付金额高于税金,可领取最高30英镑或270元人民币无门槛税补账户余额(账户余额仅在上述网站内使用); · 符合条件的顾客可于下单后2个月内登录网站联系网站客服领取,逾期不补; · 符合条件的顾客所获得的账户余额包括实际被税金额及缴税期间产生的相关手续费。如被税金额及手续费总和超过30镑或270元人民币,则最高补偿30镑或270元人民币; · 账户余额从领取日起有效60天,到期即自动失效,不予补偿; · 联系官网客服时,请您提供并出具(i)您的订单编号;(ii)您的订单截图包括并显示订单金额及下单日期;(iii) 海关完税证明及手续费缴纳证明以证明您的领取资格; ·账户余额在除特殊注明的情况下,可与网站其他优惠同时使用; · 本活动仅限于个人顾客,用户网站注册账号,收件人和缴税人的姓名必须一致才可申请账户信用积分。第三方购买平台或下单平台不参与本次活动。 · Allsole网站有权在任何时刻决定暂停或停止此次活动,并对活动拥有最终解释权;

Terms and Conditions

•Subject to the below conditions, if you place an order on to be delivered to mainland China from 15 March 2021 (inclusive) (Beijing Time), you will be eligible to claim back tax charged at customs (and associated administration or service fees) in the form of credit on your account up to the total value of £30 or 270 RMB (“Tax Credit Claim”). Actual payment amount must be more than the custom tax to claim the tax credit. Such credit may only be used on the aforementioned sites. •All Tax Credit Claims must be made by contacting AllSole Customer Service within 2 months when the order is placed. Following this date, you will not be eligible to make a Tax Credit Claim. •The credit amount issued will be the total amount of the actual tax paid to custom and the service or administration charge incurred (if any) up to a maximum of £30 or 270 RMB. For the avoidance of doubt, if the total amount that was charged to you exceeds £30 or 270RMB then the credit issued to you will be £30 or 270RMB. •Any credit issued must be used within 60 days of receipt of such into your AllSole account or it will expire with no obligation on AllSole to compensate you for any expired credit. •To be eligible to receive the credit, you must present to our full satisfaction: (i) your order number; (ii) proof of the date that you made the order; (iii) proof of the value of your order and (iv) the relevant tax receipt and administration or service charge receipt; •Unless expressly stated elsewhere, credit may be used in conjunction with other promotions onsite. •This activity is for individual customers only. Parcel receiver, Custom tax payer and account name should be consistent while applying for credits. Third-party platforms are not included in the activity. •AllSole is entitled to withdraw or suspend this Customs Tax Credit offering at any time our sole discretion