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Product code: 15892987 / 102428
A compact and powerful single burner stove, ideal for backpacking, the Twister Plus conveniently runs off Campingaz CV valve cartridges which feature Easy Clic Plus connection for effortless and safe one click connection to the stove.
Featuring wide pan supports to increase stability, a heat screen to protect the control knob during use and a hard clamshell case for protection in storage makes this stove ideal for any outdoor adventure.
Good little stove top burner. Especially useful where space is tight.
Great compact cooker with loads of power,I use it when fishing in winter conditions and I’m eating hot food in no time.
The piece of kit is being used for my Gold expedition for my D of E. On my practice, works well no complaints,and it is a handy accompaniment to my basic kit that i need, for all my team members to use. I would whole hardheartedly recommend this
A great piece of kit for anyone on the move in the outdoors. Quick and easy to assemble with no connection problems; this does the job every time. Piezoelectric start makes lighting a doddle and quite honestly I never travel without it. It's always in my sac/boot of car ready for a quick brew.
Well little bit disappointed with this to be honest. It pushes on and one twist and is on. Easy to use. I didnt use matches, I had one of the long arm lighters. We had to sit and hold the kettle on it kept tipping. Tried to cook pot of rice but it fell off so used our hexi stove, luckily for us I had brought 2 of them too. I am sorry but I wouldnt recommended this to people unless they are happy to sit there while kettle boils.
You have to remember to TWIST it to secure to the cylinder, even though it sits attached to the cylinder well enough just with a push. Otherwise it's wobbly and leaky.
Plenty of heat, but needs a windshield to work well in exposed conditions.
Cute & compact. Easy to use. Good stability.