Last Updated on March 21, 2025 by Thompson & Morgan Horticultural Team
Growing roses from seed isn’t the fastest propagation method, but it has some advantages. While seeds take a little longer than cuttings, it’s a fun way to develop new varieties. Professional hybridisers often combine easy-to-grow varieties with disease-resistant roses when trying to propagate new plants. For amateur gardeners, each seedling is a surprise when it finally blooms. You can never be sure what to expect! Here’s how to collect, sow and grow roses from seeds.
Browse our full range of roses for inspiration.
How and when to collect rose seeds

Bright red rosehips ready for collecting
Image: Dog Rose (Hedging) from T&M
To grow roses from seed, it’s best to collect your own rather than buy them. Collecting rose seeds isn’t a difficult process. Allow the rose hips to develop on the plant for at least four months so they can fully ripen. Then, in autumn, collect the hips by cutting them off using snips or cuticle scissors.
- Place the ripened rose hip on a clean cutting board and cut in half to remove the seeds.
- Place the seeds in a clean container.
- Add two teaspoons of bleach to a large glass of water and pour over the seeds to kill off any bacteria and fungus spores.
- Stir the seeds well before rinsing them and using bottled water to remove all the bleach.
- To further clean and disinfect the seeds, put them in a container and add some 3% hydrogen peroxide. Soak for up to 24 hours.
- This is also a good time to perform the water float test. Remove all seeds that float as they might not be viable.
- Rinse them thoroughly with clean water.
- Soaking the seeds is a crucial step if your seeds are to germinate properly and stay clear of any diseases but you MUST NOT mix the bleach with the hydrogen peroxide as this results in a chemical reaction.
Stratifying your rose seeds
Before sowing your rose seeds, they need to undergo a period of stratification. This simply means a period of cold, moist storage that gets the seeds ready for germination. The easiest way to do this is to chill your seeds in a refrigerator for about six to ten weeks. However, take care not to keep them cold for too long as they can germinate while still in the refrigerator.
To stratify your seeds, place them on a paper towel before moistening them. Use half purified water and half peroxide to prevent the growth of mould. You can then place them in a plastic zippered bag, mark the date and variety and place in a refrigerator set at 1 to 3 degrees C. The paper towel should remain moist for the entire period. Check occasionally to see if it needs re-moistening and make sure you don’t freeze the towel.
Sowing your rose seeds

Awarded Rose of the Year in 2021, this perfumed variety has superb disease resistance
Image: Rose ‘Belle du Jour’ from T&M
When you think your seeds are ready for sowing, remove the bag from the refrigerator. You’ll need shallow seed trays or small pots with good drainage to plant them in. If you’re planting seeds from different rose varieties, carefully follow your labelling all the way down from collecting, treatment, and planting. The rose bush name and planting date are some of the details to include on your trays or pots.
Next, fill your trays with seed compost. You can opt to use 50% sterile potting soil and 50% vermiculite if you prefer. When the potting mix is ready in the trays or pots, remove the seeds from the plastic bag and take the seeds off the damp paper towel. Remember not to take them out of the plastic bag until they’re ready to be planted. You lightly dust them before planting.
Place your seeds about ¼ inch into the soil and dust the surface again to prevent damping off disease. Water them properly and place them outside in direct sunlight. If there’s frost, place your seeds under a tree or on a sheltered part of the patio to protect them. There’s no need for grow lights. Keep the soil pots or trays watered but not soggy, taking care not to let them dry out, as this might affect germination.
After about six weeks, the first two seed leaves will start to emerge, followed by the true leaves. The seedling must have three to four true leaves before it is ready for transplanting.
Planting out your rose seedlings
When the seedlings have grown a few inches tall and have at least three true leaves, they’re ready to be transplanted into four-inch pots. You don’t have to pot on all your seedlings – just choose the healthiest ones.
As they grow, monitor the seedlings for colour, form, bush size, branching, and disease resistance and discard any with weak, unhealthy or unattractive flowers. It will take your new seedlings at least three years to reach maturity and develop into a big bush, although the first flower can be seen after a year or two.
Growing roses from seed is an incredibly rewarding process, and a fun way to brighten your outdoor space. For more information on how to plant, prune and care for roses, head to our dedicated advice hub.
Lead Image: Rose ‘Scented Double Pink’ from T&M

My name is Dianne and I am passionate about all things related to gardening. I blog about indoor and outdoor planting as well as offering useful information about the best gardening products.
Hello Dianne. Very nice post with many useful tips! I have tried growing roses from seeds and I have to agree that it’s time-consuming. It takes a long time to grow them but the satisfaction after seeing their flowers is unbelievable.
Hi, thanks for the article, just a head up but the seedling photo might be confusing to some people (at least it was for me) since the picture is of desert rose seedlings, had to go back to he internet to look for rose seedling to be sure that I wasn’t growing weeds
Good spot! Thank you. Will get that sorted 🙂
I have grown three healthy bushes from seed from the hips of a beautiful climbing rose in my entirely enclosed London patio garden. All three show no sign of either flowers or thorns. They are all about the same age 18 months. I was a big hap- hazard about the preparation process but that is obviously not the problem. Is it that they have not germinated with another rose?
Hello. That’s very interesting. I’m not entirely sure tbh. Many Roses are grafted onto a rootstock of a different variety to improve their hardiness and vigour. It is possible that you might have taken seed from a sucker of the rootstock rather than the variety that you intended. It will certainly be interersting to see how they develop later on.
I live in Toronto, Canada. I left the hips on the plant over the winter do I still need to stratify the seeds?
No they shouldn’t need stratifytoing if they have been out all winter – nature will have done that for you 🙂
All the best
Hi Kathy,
For the planting of the seeds (after they have been in a refrigerator in a moist kitchen towel) what kind of soil must they be planted in? And can you keep the planted seeds indoors?
Many thanks,
Just plant them in any well drained garden soil. You can use a John Innes number 2 compost if you need to buy some. You can germintae them in a cool bright room indoors. Once they are growing well and the weather is a little warmer, then move them to a cold frame outside to continue growing.
Hello. After putting the rose seeds in the refrigerator for the number of weeks suggested, is there any sign that will indicate that they are now ready to be taken out? And after planting them in the potting mix, how long will it take before they start germinating?
Hello Antonette. No you won’t see any visible signs after the chilling period. Once you have moved them to a warmer position it will take about 6 weeks for them to germinate.
Hi, I am new to all this, my mother in law bought me a rose bush in July and now (December) the rose hips are going from green to red. I would like to try and use the seeds to grow some new rose bushes for family, but not sure how to go about this. Reading other posts, I get the idea that I need to:
* Wait until the rose hips are red
*Carefully remove and cut them open to remove the seeds
*Place in damp kitchen roll, place in plastic bag and put in the fridge for 6-10 weeks (keep the kitchen roll damp)
*Remove and plant in little pots with special soil mix and watch them grow.
Is that correct?
Many thanks
Yes – that’s about it! Grow them on outdoors in a cold frame. Good luck – let us know how you get on 🙂
All the best
Hi i have just collected seeds from my garden should i put them in the fridge now or just in pot and leave outside for winter also would i put just one seed to a pot aslo could you please tell me what they should be dusted with thank you
Your seeds only need to be in the fridge for 6-10 weeks. Then sow them individually into small pots and place them outdoors in a sheltered, lightly shaded spot. In winter I would keep them in a cold frame or cold greenhouse.
I would imagine that the writer of this blog meant that the seed should be dusted with yellow sulphur powder – it acts as an insecticide and fungicide. The blog suggests using 3% peroxide which can be bought as a pre-diluted mix so there should be no need to add water.
Hope that helps
i have an old white rose (rosa blanda) (60+) and i have sifted the seeds out of the three hips i got from it. should i start stratifying them now and start them growing in the sun room with my other plants or am a best off waiting until i start tapping for maple syrup to start stratifying them. and if i may ask an unrelated question do you have any tips for keeping strawberries inside as i found one growing in my eves-trough.
Your rose seeds can be stratified this autumn and sown immediately afterwards. They should start into growth by spring. We’re a UK based company, so I wouldn’t know about Maple syrup I’m afraid!
Strawberries are best grown outdoors, especially if you want them to fruit. Here’s a handy article…
All the best
Could I leave the rose hip or seed pod on the plant over winter? Would the natural winter cold months be better or work the same way as stratification in the fridge?
Yes you could. This is how they grow from seed naturally.
My granddaughter bought me a rose seed pack. I set them as instructed.
I now have about 10 small seedlings growing healthily. Not quite sure if I need to thin them out, they are about 2 inches tall. Sat on my kitchen window. Please could you give me some advice of onward growing and where to keep them in winter, I havnt got a greenhouse.
Hello. That’s fantastic! I would certainly pot them up individually into 9cm- 11cm diameter pots. You can pop them outdoors in a cool, lightly shaded, sheltered spot and let them grow on. When thew weather turns cold in autumn then I would suggest that you pop them into a coldframe if you have one, or bring them into an unheated porch or other sheltered spot until the following spring. After that, simply grow them on outdoors, repotting when necessary, until they are large enough to be planted in the ground.
All the best
Hi all I bought some rose seeds of the net as I like the colours they have arrived from China (didn’t know when I ordered them they were coming from China) they are in a small bag sealed how and when do i sow the seeds thanks in advance.
That sounds very exciting – be great to give them a go! Pop them in the fridge for a few weeks as discussed in this blog post. I would sow them in autumn into pots, and position them in a sheltered spot outdoors, or a cold frame or unheated greenhouse.
Best of luck with them
I have some rose seed. I live in a fairly warm climate, 8b, after refrigerating, do I have to wait to the fall?
Hello Susan. After the pre-chill period just sow your seeds (or remove the seed trays from the refrigerator if you have already sown them) and keep them between 60 and 70ºF (16–21ºC) in a sheltered position but do not expose them to very hot temperatures.
I have started growing roses from seed and a few seedlings have come through but one of them was growing nicely it was the first one to grow but now it has shrivelled up but I don’t know what I could have done wrong as I don’t want it to happen to the others
Its hard to say without seeing it, but I wonder whether you had a spot of damping off (root rot), caused by the Pythium – a fungal organism that attacks the roots. This is particularly prevalent when the compost is kept too wet.
The symptoms look very similar to wilting so there is a tendency to water the plant even more. Try to keep your seedlings a little drier (compost should be damp but never wet). This will help to restrict the spread of the fungal organisms.
Hope you have more success with your other seedlings.
All the best
Hi Sue
My seeds are currently in the fridge. How will I know when they are ready and when they are ready (which I imagine will be September?) should I grow them inside for the winter and plant in Spring or would it be ok to plant them outside in October time after they have started to grow in pots? Many thanks
Your seeds only need to be in the fridge for 6-10 weeks. Then sow them in pots and place them outdoors in a sheltered, lightly shaded spot. In winter I would keep them in a cold frame or cold greenhouse.
Good luck! Let us know how you get on 🙂
All the best
I have been given some rose seeds for my 80th birthday, that came from china. Do I have to stratify them before I plant them.
If you don’t don’t whether they have already been stratified then it may be just as well to sow them now outdoors in a cold frame or unheated greenhouse. This will naturally give them a cold period, and they should come through when the weather warms up next year.
Best of luck
Hi there I thought I would give rose growing from seed a try. I have rosehips on the plant (Rosa x odorata Mutabilis) that I want to grow from – how can I tell if the hips are ripe enough? They have been on the plant for 4months + are orangey in colour and feel very firm still. Should I pick them now (January in UK) or wait a bit longer to see if they soften?
Hi Lois. If they have changed colour completely then they can be harvested from this point onwards. If you prefer to wait a while then leave them until they are slightly soft and wrinkled, as germination may improve following a the cold period.
Hope that helps
Hi I am still new to growing roses. I have 1 successful propagation by cuttings but regarding rose seeds I bought online I have no idea whether did the seller stratified those seeds or not. What is the physical difference between stratified seeds and those fresh from hips? Are they darker in color and look much dehydrated?
Hi Tracy. Great to hear that you’ve had some success with your cuttings. I wouldn’t expect that the supplier would have stratified the seed before sending them out to you but can’t say for sure. Maybe one of our other readers might have some experience with rose seed and leave a comment for you.
All the best
Hi I’ve two questions for you
1) I live in the UK & with Autumn being on us soon when should I start planting my rose seeds
2) when is the best time to plant Pappas grass seeds
Hi Pete
To get the best success, yor rose seed will need a period of stratification (a cold period of about 6-12 weeks). Its a good idea to time this so that it coincides with when they would naturally start to grow in spring – probably around early March, depending on weather conditions. I would look to sowing them in late November/ December and popping them outdoors or if we have a mild winter then stick them in the fridge!
Your Pampas seed are probably best left to mid spring. They wont do much over winter anyway, and you risk losing them if they sit for long in cold, wet compost.
Hope that helps
I have brought some Rose Seeds on the Net they arrived in foil sealed packets. It is April in the UK should I do the Fridge part over summer or wait til Autumn. Can I give Names to the Seeds when they become Rose plants.
You can call your seeds whatever you like – but they won’t be officially recognised unless registered as a distinct variety. You could give them a cold treatment now and sow them this summer.:)
All the best
Hi Graham is it more difficult to grow a blue rose an is there any special soil or treatment needed thanks
Hi Rita,
It shouldn’t be any more difficult to grow a blue rose, treat exactly the sme as you would any other.
All the best
Hi, Graham.
I received some seeds as birthday present, the seller included a bonus packet of rose seeds. There’s no indication if they’ve been stratified. If I stratify them now, it will be July when they’re ready to plant. In this region (I’m ~50 miles north of Portland, Oregon)it might be mild or very hot. I’ve read that rose seed won’t sprout if it’s too hot – how well do rose seeds keep? Will they still be viable next Spring, or should i take a chance on the weather and start them now?
Hi Spencer, I very much doubt that they’d have been stratified so maybe leaving them would be the best option, if you can possibly keep them somewhere cool until spring that would be great, if not, there’s always the chance to try them now, but it’s a gamble!
I hope this helps
All the best
Hi! I live in a hot humid country where temperature tends to go to 35deg celcius…I received some rose seeds and intend to try and grow them…do i need to do the cold stratification process or can i just plant the seeds right away? Thanks.
Hi Ruisini, I would definitely go through the cold stratification process with the seeds.
Best of luck with them
Best Reagrds
I have stratified my rose seeds in the fridge I looked at them to day they have little shoots look ok not mouldy. What soil mix do you recommend my garden soil is sandy could I mix this with some compost.
Is it essential to dust with fungicide or can I just plant.
I have read people putting them outside should I or do I keep them indoors in a light place.Sorry so many questions.
Hi Susan,
I would definitely mix in some compost with your garden soil as this will improve the structure of it. The dusting with fungicide is useful as it prevents the risk of infection, however, if you keep an eye on them and be ready to spring into action then it could be worth trying without . As for planting, I would personally keep them inside for a while, give them a chance to strengthen up before putting them outside in the elements!
I hope this helps
All the best
Dear Graham
Yes great help thank you
Can you please explain what you mean by dusting, also when I get my rose seeds I ordered do I just put them in peroxide or mix with water? Thank you.
Hi Jacquline
I would imagine that the writer of this blog meant that the seed should be dusted with yellow sulphur powder – it acts as an insecticide and fungicide. The blog suggests using 3% peroxide which can be bought as a pre-diluted mix so there should be no need to add water.
Hope that helps
My seeds germinated late last spring and each one is now in a 1 liter pot. They are in a cold greenhouse and are quite small. They did not set out any branches during the Icelandic summer so I was wondering if I should cut their tops off in the ea4ly spring to make them branch out? Or should I wait for a year to do that?
Thank you.
Hi Margret,
I would definitely wait until the plants get a bit taller before you cut anything from them, let them get to approximately 25 – 30 cm , then it can be prunes back in half to encourage new shoots to grow.
I hope this helps
Thanks heaps a great blog of information I am currently waiting for my seeds to arrive and now feel I can see them with confidence 🙂
Can rose seeds be treated with fungicide and water paste before placing them into refrigerator for stratification? (Hydrogen peroxide is not used)
there will be no problem with doing this in advance, make sure the seeds are clean and dry before refridgeration though.
All the best
I acquired some rose hips in bay field WI this past month. My question is how do I keep them until spring when the weather is nice enough to plant them.
I Mary,
I would keep them somewhere cool and dry and they should be fine – don’t worry if the flesh of the hip starts to deteriorate as it’s the seed inside that’s the important bit!
All the best
Hi Graham,
I have received a packet of rose seeds, when would be the best time to start the period of stratification?
Hi Morag,
I would work back about 10 weeks from when you’d like to sow them, if it’s not going to be until just after Christmas then now will be fine!
All the best
My seeds are 12 inches at least now and look healthy. Shall I keep them in the greenhouse as the weather gets colder or leave them outside ? Look forward to your reply
Hi Kathy,
I would be inclined to keep them in an unheated greenhouse over the winter, just to be on the safe side. It would be terrible to lose your plants because of a heavy frost or snowfall this winter!
All the best
hi ive never grown roses before. which roses are best to start with
Mrs Pugh
Hi Sally,
Any variety will be fine although I would say any of the shrub roses that produce large hips will be the hardiest of all!
I hope this helps
“Remember the seeds must not be removed from the plastic bag until they are ready to be planted. You lightly dust them before planting.
Place your seeds about ¼ inch into the soil and dust the surface again to prevent the damp off disease that kills seeds. Water them properly and place them outside in direct sunlight” Dust with what? Thanks.
Hi Mick,
the “dust” being referred to will be a powdered fungicide. this may not be necessary but can be an extra precaution to prevent dampening off.
I hope this helps
All the best
Dust them with what?
Talc, pepper, cocaine?
Pardon me but bleach…hydrogen peroxide??
Is that the hair bleach ?
I’m not stupid just concerned.
Hi Saul,
as mentioned when I replied to Mick, the powder with be a fungicide as we’re trying to help prevent dampening off – although careful watering is always the best solution to this problem. The hydrogen peroxide mentioned in the blog will be the same as the hair bleach and is just an extra precaution taken by the author to sterilise her seeds. Using normal bleach in tiny quantities is usual practice in preventing harmful bacteria in seed processes, especially if they are prone to disease in the first place.
I hope this helps
Is there a particular type of fungicide you recommend to dust with? There are so many products lately it is very confusing.
Hi JoAnn
I would say using a yellow sulphur powder would be best as the main purpose is to help prevent any dampening off. The powder may not actually be necessary and is just a precaution of course
I hope this helps
My rose seedlings are 3to5 inches tall and looking very healthy . leave them in the garden on a table . Do I just leave them as they are ? Thank you
Hi Kathy,
if they are looking healthy and growing well, I would leave them as they are for now, keep an eye on them so that they don’t become root bound and I would probably feed them every so often too as normal compost only usually holds sufficient nutrients for 6 weeks or so. re pot as necessary and possibly transplant them next spring.
Looking at my rose seeds this morning there appears to be a white powder on some of them . which I can wipe off with my finger , any suggestions what to do ? Thankyou
Hi Kathy,
is the white powder from water evaporating and leaving a residue behind? If not it may just be a slight mildew problem. Keep an eye on them and also, importantly, keep them well ventilated too, this will help keep mildew away, if that was the issue.
I hope that this helps
All the best
Hi Graham! I’m a newcomer to this blog, and growing anything green, and I am fascinated by all the advice, thank you!
In you comment on July 13, 2017 at 9:11 am you recommend ‘feeding’ the rose seedlings. With what does one feed a rose seedling? probably an obvious question, but I’m clueless!
Hi Francesca!
Welcome to the blog, I hope you enjoy reading all the different articles from our great bloggers here!
Feeding at that stage would generally refer to a balanced feed ( a multipurpose type ) that will ensure that the young plant gets all the nutrients it needs as it puts on lots of early growth. The Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus balance should be even at this stage.
I hope that helps
All the best
Can you feed the seedlings with fish, blood and bone. Never done this before. I ha e my seeds in the fridge and they are due to come out next month. Can the seedlings be kept in the poly tunnel or will it be too warm in there for them over the summer. I live in Northern Ireland and my poly tunnel can reach 40 degrees during the summer
Hello – I would withhold any feed until the plants have grown beyond seedling stage – once they are ready to be potted on the you can mix some into the compost before you pot them up. You could certainly start them off in the polytunnel and then move them outside if the temperature is incresing too much. Bring the young plants back into the tunnel for their first winter to offer them some protection from the elements.
Very interesting but it is not mentioned with what do you dust the rose
seeds with. Looking forward to a reply
Many thanks
Sue Ravenscroft
Haven’t dusted them with anything , should I ?
I believe she mentioned towards the beginning of the replies that they are dusted with a yellow powder that can be used as a fungicide if not using the initially recommended method of hydrogen peroxide or bleach. I am unsure of the name of it. I am sure a simple search for a chemical solution to prevent fungal infections in planting would be helpful and would be easily answered. I hope I am correct as I am just reading and a true beginner without a clue of what I just started doing in this! I have a gorgeous rose bush that blooms outside my apartment and had a few of the neighbors and friends who come to grab the hips. They suggested I collect the hips when they had been fully ripe as we call them. I didn’t know anything prior to this about roses or much more about planting other than simple tomatoes and small flowers. I don’t know the terminology for it but I truly enjoy growing anything. I didn’t hear much more from my green-thumbed friend who can never seem to kill a plant or fail to literally grow anything to its fullest potential. LITERALLY! She had said to cut them off when they were starting to turn an orange color and all she said was to keep them cool and up in a storage bag and plant them in the early spring. I just went through 100 dried hips and soaked them for about 3 days and then began to carefully remove the seeds and then thoroughly cleaned and dried them off before I then put them in a damp paper towel and put them in the freezer for a few days. I also did not know about the fungus issue and I washed them over and over and then I used some SuperThrive in the damp paper towel mix and now I am worried that I will not be able to use these seeds. There’s nearly 400. I have planned to use them and do a project with my autistic son and he seems to make anything grow! I am wondering if I’m too late to save or utilize them and I’d rather not do anything else that may ruin their chance of being healthy and growing well. Can I use vinegar, garlic and other suggestions for a fungicide solution or do I need to start over completely? I would be so grateful for any advice and also would love to know if I can even try planting them in the spring. I’m in Northern Utah and the bush has just begun to bloom at all. I think we have seen the last snow fall and not in danger of freezing. With that said I also would be growing them or germinating them indoors and I would be very grateful for any help and advice. Thanks for your blog and the information you’ve freely shared! Means so much!
Hello Amanda. Don’t worry about the fungicide – I would just continue with the instructions listed in the blog. Make sure all your seed trays are scrupulously clean and don’t overwater the seedlings.